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Learn all about living and working in the United States.

Ts Immigration

Highest paid professions in the US

In 2022 alone, more than 22,000 Brazilians received the long-awaited Green Card - the largest flow of Brazilians ever recorded by the US government. A better quality of life for your family, the opportunities of America and the security of a dollar remuneration: all these factors make the United States an excellent option for professionals from all over the world.

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Ts Immigration

The easiest way to get a Green Card

There are several ways to obtain a U.S. visa, and the U.S. government has created different visa categories for the eligibility of those who wish to immigrate permanently to the United States.

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Ts Immigration

How to immigrate to the USA legally

If you have the dream of earning in dollars, or want to move outside of Brazil, know that it is possible to use your professional experience to get a Green Card and immigrate legally to the United States.

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Ts Immigration

Taxation of dividends in the US

If you are Brazilian and invest in American companies, you already know that, unlike what happens in Brazil, dividends are taxed in the United States. This is one of the peculiarities of the American tax system, which, even so, is still attractive for those who wish to dollarize their assets or move permanently to the USA. 

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Ts Immigration

E-2 visa: How it works

If you have a citizenship other than Brazilian, you may be able to obtain a Green Card more easily. This is because there are two visa categories that give holders the ability to reside permanently in the US, (E-1 and E-2), which are called Trade Treaty and Investor Visas.

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