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How much does a physical therapist earn in the USA?

Physical therapy is a market that is on the rise not only in Brazil, but in all countries where there is an aging population in progress - which makes the presence of health professionals in these places increasingly necessary.

For those who wish to immigrate to the United States and are considering a career in physical therapy, a common question is: how much does a physical therapist earn in the US? 

The answer can vary depending on a number of factors, including the location of this job opening, the experience, and the credentials of the professional. In this text, we will explore these factors and provide an overview of the average salary for a physical therapist in the United States.

Salaries in the USA

Overall, the average annual salary for a physical therapist in the US is about $92,920 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US government's department of labor statistics.

This translates into an average salary of about $44.67 per hour. Converting this to reais, a physical therapist in the USA can earn more than 200 reais per hour, more than is commonly paid in Brazil. 

The difference is substantial if we compare the American consumption pattern with the Brazilian one, because consumption taxes are lower in the United States, which has contributed to the fact that the same salary in both countries translates into a much better and safer standard of living in the USA.

As in Brazil, one of the main influences on the salary of a physical therapist in the USA is geographic location. In general, metropolitan areas such as New York, Los Angeles, and Boston have better salaries, which can exceed $110,000 per year.

But there are also good salaries in non-metropolitan areas with high employability, such as in Kansas ($88,010), southwest Maine ($83,760), and northeast Mississippi ($93,870).

The non-metropolitan areas of Connecticut ($103,620), West Montana ($80,470) and Eastern New Mexico ($106,050) also have good average salaries.

How to work as a physical therapist in the USA

If you already have a degree in Brazil, to work as a physical therapist in the USA you need to validate your diploma at the Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT).

With your diploma validated, you must choose a state in which to practice. In the USA, there is a State Board of Physical Therapy, which is equivalent to the state board in Brazil. After meeting the requirements of the State Board of the state you have chosen to practice in, you must take the NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination) exam, which evaluates the candidate's degree of knowledge in physical therapy and proficiency in English.

EB-2 is the best way

If you want to live permanently in the USA, or are looking for better perspectives for your career, having a green card is an excellent choice to enhance your professional trajectory. 

The Green Card gives you the facility to be able to work professionally in the United States and earn in dollars, even if you work eventually in the USA and continue living in Brazil. Furthermore, it is an open door for you to move permanently to a safer, more stable and prosperous life in the United States.

If you are a physical therapist with more than five years of experience you are likely to be eligible to apply for the EB-2 visa, which gives you the right to live and work in the US permanently. 

To do this, you need to prove that you have a diploma in your field, experience, recognition in the field, or exceptional skills in your professional practice.

Medicine is not the only health profession valued in the United States: physical therapists, nurses, and dentists have stable careers in the American market, given the high demand for health services in a market that is mostly private.

The American dream may be much closer than you think!

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