Os EUA, precisam de enfermeiros(as)!

And with TS, his
career is advancing

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Dr. Renato



Dr. Illana Doctor







Why Immigrate?

A recente crise mundial fez com que alguns critérios para validação de um diploma estrangeiro fossem temporariamente flexibilizados. Ficou evidenciada a falta de profissionais de saúde no país que vinha sendo comentada nos últimos anos.
Visando resolver esse problema, o Departamento de Estado americano divulgou um apelo para que enfermeiros estrangeiros se candidatem a trabalhar nos Estados Unidos.

Por conta dessa necessidade, as chances de sucesso
em pleitos imigratórios
para essa categoria profissional, com experiência, aumentou muito.

Market and salary

According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, 31% of nurses intend to leave their direct patient care positions by 2023. And there are estimates of a 6% shortage of professionals in the market by 2030.
The average annual salary for registered nurses in the USA is $89,010 (U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS).
With the progressive ageing of the population, the demand for nurses is growing rapidly. According to projections, the population over 75 will more than double in the next 40 years. In the same period, the group of people over 85 is expected to almost triple.
31% of registered nurses surveyed indicated they could leave their current direct patient care positions in the USA, 2023
Challenges that large hospitals still face, according to US private sector strategic/operational leaders , Oct/2021

Additional nurses
needed on the American
from 2030 onwards


Demand for nurses
projected to be
met by 2030

Start now

Your professional experience and talents may be on the rise in the United States,
making the process of acquiring your American visa easier.

Fill in the details below and we will contact you at
about your eligibility for a Green Card.