Psicólogo(a), os EUA precisam de você!

With TS, his career to America.
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Dr. Illana Doctor




Dr. Renato



Why Immigrate ?

The recent global crisis has caused some criteria for validating a foreign diploma to be temporarily relaxed.

The pandemic also highlighted the lack of health professionals in the country that had been commented on in recent years.

To address this problem, the U.S. State Department has issued a call for foreign psychologists to apply to work in the United States.
Because of this need, the chances of success in immigration claims for psychologists with professional experience have increased greatly.

The USA needs

According to the American Association of Medical Colleges, the United States does not have enough mental health professionals to treat all demand.
More than 150 million people already live in federally designated mental health professional shortage areas.
Within a few years, the country will have a deficit of between 14,280 and 31,109 psychiatrists and psychologists. Social workers and others will also be overloaded.

Average Salary of
Clinical Psychologist in
USA, 2023


Top salaries, by
state, for Clinical Psychologists
in the US, 2023

Elipse 1 (mesclada)

Research from
risk behavior
for young people

Percentage of high school students who
experienced persistent feelings of
sadness or hopelessness

Camada 4 (mesclada)

The demand for
professionals in the area
in the USA

Camada 3 (mesclada)
Start now

Your professional experience and talents may be on the rise in the United States,
making the process of acquiring your American visa easier.

Fill in the details below and we will contact you at
about your eligibility for a Green Card.