Living in the USA: advantages and disadvantages

Unlike what was common in the past, when most Brazilian immigrants abandoned their careers to pursue the American dream, the profile of the Brazilian who immigrates to the US today is that of a qualified professional with a solid career.

More than 20,000 Brazilians obtained their Green Cards in 2022, a record number that includes mostly qualified professionals seeking a stable and prosperous life in America.

If you also want to move to the United States, it's important to consider the different issues that could influence your decision to live in another country.

Dollar income

According to the Better Life Index ranking, the United States has the highest average income among OECD countries, which is 51,000 dollars a year. And American disposable household income (the amount of money available after taxation) is also the highest among the 41 OECD countries.

If you're looking for an income in a stable currency, receiving your pay in dollars is certainly a safety net compared to the real, which historically has been prone to inflationary spikes. 


Also according to the Better Life Index, 78% of Americans say they feel safe walking alone at night. In addition, the number of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States is three times lower than the average in Brazil. 

The safety of many cities in the United States is truly impressive: Ridgefield, in Connecticut, one of the safest cities in the country, has a crime rate of just 1.9 per 1,000 inhabitants. Living in an environment where there is tranquillity and security is certainly one of the factors that make Brazilians migrate to the United States.

Quality of life

The United States' human development index (HDI) is among the highest in the world at 0.92. Brazil's HDI is 0.754, which represents 87th place in the UN ranking. This index covers life expectancy, education among adults and children and the average income standard in dollars, factors that influence the quality of life of families as a whole.

The states with the highest HDI in the USA are: Massachusetts (0.949), Connecticut (0.948), Minnesota (0.947), New Hampshire (0.943), New Jersey (0.943) and Colorado (0.942).


If you have a career that is strategic for the development of a country, such as medicine, engineering or technology, you should know that there is a shortage of these professionals in the United States. And this could help you get a green card!

This is because the Immigration Act of 1990, sanctioned by the American government, created the EB-1 to EB-5 visa categories, which allow qualified workers to immigrate to the United States using their professional experience.

Family adaptation

There are certainly challenges to be faced if you want to move to a country other than Brazil, especially during the cultural adaptation process. And this can be the biggest disadvantage in your immigration process.

And the immigration office exists precisely to be able to offer the best support for you and your family throughout the migration process, making this event as smooth as possible for everyone.

And if you are approved for a visa in the EB-1 and EB-2 categories, you will be able to move to the United States with your spouse and children under the age of 21, as they will also receive their respective Green Cards.

EB-2 Visa: Requirements.

If you have a bachelor's degree in Brazil, more than five years' experience and exceptional or extraordinary professional skills in your field, you may be eligible for a Green Card!

And, if you are approved for a Green Card under this visa category, your spouse and children under the age of 21 will also be granted their respective Green Cards.

All this without you needing a previous job offer in the United States.

Am I eligible for a green card?

Want to know if you are eligible? 

Fill in our form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Find out which type of US visa is right for you.

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