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what is seen eb-3
Ts Immigration

EB-3 visa: How it works

If you want to move to the United States permanently and have researched immigration to America, you have surely heard about the EB-3, EB-2, and EB-1 visas. In this text we will explore what the differences between these US visas are and what the eligibility is for each type of visa.

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how to open a business in the united states
Ts Immigration

How to open a business in Florida?

Starting and operating a company in Brazil is not an easy task. According to the World Bank's Doing Business ranking, Brazil ranks 124th in the world for ease of doing business, and 138th for starting a company.

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which professions in the United States give a green card
Ts Immigration

What professions give you a green card?

According to official Itamaraty data, the flow of Brazilians abroad is growing at a rapid pace: more than 4 million Brazilians now live outside of Brazil, a number that in 2016 was approximately 3 million. 

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how do i move to the united states
Ts Immigration

How to Move to the United States

If you are worried about the economic or political scenario in Brazil and want to move to a more stable country, surely you have already thought about migrating to the United States.

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